Can Nerve Cells Start Functioning Again 8 Nerve
Nerve Regeneration
High levels of nerve regeneration, possibly driven by nervus growth factor (NGF), have been noted in both cancerous and nonmalignant os diseases.
From: Basic and Applied Bone Biological science , 2014
Trauma of the Nervous System : Peripheral Nervus Trauma
Joseph Jankovic Doctor , in Bradley and Daroff's Neurology in Clinical Practice , 2022
Nerve Regeneration
The method of nerve regeneration depends on the type of injury sustained: remyelination after grade I lesions and collateral axon sprouting and proximal-to-distal nerve regeneration afterward course II to grade V lesions.
With focal demyelinating lesions, recovery of function occurs as the Schwann cell divides and initiates remyelination. Conduction, and thereby strength, is re-established within a few weeks or months, simply the new myelin sheath ordinarily is thinner and has several internodes for each original internode.
When only some of the axons supplying a musculus are damaged, the intact motor axons produce sprouts that reinnervate the denervated musculus fiber; this is referred to ascollateral sprouting. These nerve sprouts originate from the nodes of Ranvier (nodal sprouts) or the nerve terminals (last sprouts) as early every bit 4 days from the time of injury. By adopting denervated muscle fibers, collateral innervation increases the size of the remaining motor units and results in increased contractile strength. Clinical recovery due to collateral sprouting takes 3–six months from the time of injury. During this same flow, compensatory hypertrophy of muscle fibers that take retained their axons occurs, although the muscle every bit a whole atrophies. Enhanced synchronization of motor unit firing contributes to improved strength.
In contrast with partial or balmy nerve injury, in which the surviving motor axon begins the process of collateral sprouting almost immediately, in severe or consummate injury, neuronal regeneration starts from the proximal stump but later on wallerian degeneration is completed. Schwann cells play a key role in neuronal regeneration. They dedifferentiate and upregulate the expression of adhesion molecules and neurotrophins (i.e., cadherins, immunoglobulin superfamily factors, laminin), which promote the migration of nervus sprouts that class at the regenerating axon tip. These sprouts then form cords aligned effectually the original basal lamina tubes of the myelinated axons (bands of Büngner) that provide a pathway along which new axons are destined to grow (Geraldo and Gordon-Weeks, 2009). The contribution of axon regeneration to clinical recovery overlaps with collateral sprouting at approximately 3 months, but axon regeneration is the master recovery mechanism from 6 to 24 months after the injury, depending in part on the distance the nerve must grow to reach its target muscle.
The tip of the axon sprout, called thegrowth cone, travels past way offilopodia andlamellipodia (Fig. 64.v).Neurotropism, the term used to describe guidance of a regenerating axon, is accomplished pastguidance molecules (i.due east., semaphorins, ephrins, netrins, slits) that act to attract or repulse the growth cone to prevent misdirected growth of axon sprouts. To laissez passer through endoneurial tubules plugged with cellular debris, the growth cone secretes plasminogen activators that dissolve cell–cell and cell–matrix adhesions. Axonal sprouts abound from the proximal to the distal stump at a rate of approximately 1–ii mm/day (or approximately 1 inch/calendar month). This rate of regrowth varies depending on the location of the lesion; with proximal lesions, growth may exist as fast as 2–3 mm/day, while that with distal lesions is about 1 mm/day.
Nervus Repair
J.A. Ellis , ... C.J. Winfree , in Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences (Second Edition), 2014
Nerve repair is a circuitous biological procedure that begins about immediately following nerve injury. The barriers to successful spontaneous nerve repair are manifold and in many cases surgical intervention will exist necessary to ensure that functional recovery volition be possible. In this article the authors provide a clinically relevant review of the basic mechanisms of nerve injury and repair. An overview of nervus injury nomenclature and the clinical assessment of nerve injuries are provided. The molecular mechanisms of nerve repair, a review of the surgical strategies employed to repair peripheral fretfulness, and the clinical outcomes expected after nervus injury are also presented.
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Nervus Injuries at the Level of the Hand and Wrist
Frederick Chiliad. Azar MD , in Campbell'southward Operative Orthopaedics , 2021
Nerve Regeneration
After a nerve injury, the response in the proximal elements of the peripheral nerve includes an increased charge per unit of metabolic activity and proliferation from the nerve jail cell bodies distally, resulting in the sprouting of axonalprocesses at the injury site within the first i to 3 weeks. The response distally consists of the elements of wallerian degeneration, including disruption of the myelin sheath and phagocytosis, and grooming of the distal segment to receive the regenerating elements of the proximal axons. A more detailed discussion of this response is presented inChapter 62.
Commonly, later repair of a sensory nerve (digital, pure sensory, mixed motor, and sensory), the area of anesthesia decreases in size as regeneration progresses and the quality of sensation changes. In 2 to 3 months, the unabridged surface area supplied by the nerve may become paresthetic. It and so becomes hyperesthetic to low-cal touch or cold. Firm force per unit area usually is less painful. With time and the use of various concrete and occupational therapy techniques, the hyperesthesia resolves. Patients unremarkably have less objectionable sensation later the period of hyperesthesia.
With progression of regeneration, the quality of sensation improves significantly within the offset 1.5 to 2 years with additional gradual improvement thereafter. Fully normal sensation with appreciation of functional two-point discrimination rarely is expected in adults. Although the functional result later on digital nerve regeneration usually is better than that seen for injuries to nerves more proximally and to mixed motor and sensory nerves (due east.g., the ulnar nervus), age seems to have an influence on the concluding functional result after peripheral nerve repair. A fully functional hand with minimal loss of power can be expected in children after epineurial repair. Studies advise that patients younger than age 20 can be expected to have a better prognosis for return of functional two-point discrimination than can older patients. Patients younger than age 40 accept been shown to accept better sensibility recovery than patients older than age xl. Although exceptions may exist encountered, information technology is rare for patients older than age 50 to regain more than protective sensation.
In considering the repair of multiple digital nerves in an injured hand, the location of the injured nerves should be considered. Although it is general practise to repair all digital nerves, the most important areas of sensory innervation of the digits include the ulnar side of the thumb, the radial side of the index and middle fingers, and the ulnar side of the little finger. These areas are of import for pinch and for ulnar edge contact of the hand. These nerves should be given priority if there are limiting factors, such as prolonged operative fourth dimension in a patient with multiple injuries, multiple soft-tissue issues on the various fingers, or segmental nervus loss.
Peripheral Nerve Regeneration
MAZHER JAWEED , in The Physiological Footing of Rehabilitation Medicine (Second Edition), 1994
Machinery of Nervus Regeneration
Peripheral nerve regeneration involves complex interactions among the nervus cell torso, the proximal and distal axon stumps, and neurotropic, neuritepromoting (NPF), and matrix factors. Soon afterwards nerve injury, the neuronal cell body in the spinal cord becomes swollen, the Nissl bodies start to degenerate (chromatolysis), and the nucleus moves to the periphery in preparation for irresolute the metabolic priority from neurotransmitter synthesis to the production of materials required for axonal growth and elongation. 55 The jail cell must synthesize new messenger RNA, lipids, and proteins, peculiarly cytoskeletal proteins such as tubulin and actin, neurofilaments, and gap-associated proteins (GAPs). GAPs, which are required to promote regeneration, are transported quickly to the distal end, at a rate of 400 mm per mean solar day. Synthesis of these proteins is 20 to 100 times higher during the early stages of regeneration than during normal growth. Cytoskeletal proteins, on the other paw, are moved much more than slowly, at 5 to 6 mm per day. 56–58 Several investigators have suggested that during early on regeneration the neuronal cell body behaves similar an embryonic cell, with high growth-promoting action and accumulation of growth factors. 59 , 60
Cajal 61 was the offset to demonstrate that viable nerve fibers abound out of the proximal stump of an injured neuron about half-dozen hours afterwards injury, followed most 36 hours later by growth at the axon tip. Dissimilar the normal growth rate of 2 to 3 mm per twenty-four hour period, regenerated axons grow through the scarred expanse very slowly (about 0.25 mm per day; see Table 21-four for rates of regeneration in different fretfulness). 14 The growth of proximal axon is preceded by germination of a growth cone at the tip of the proximal stump. This is rich in smooth endoplasmic reticulum, microtubules, microfilaments, large mitochondria, lysosomes, and other vacuolar and vesicular structures of unknown function. It was suggested recently that earlier the regenerated axons emerge from the proximal stump the tip of the growth cone adheres to collagen surrounding the degenerating distal stump, later on which transmembrane events involving internal actin filaments pb to the release of a proteolytic substance that dissolves the matrix permitting elongation of the axon. 62–64
Table 21-4. Issue of the Length of Gap on Short-term (8 weeks) and Long-term (36 weeks) Reeneration of Rat Sciatic Nervus Axons
Area of Injury (Gap) | Proximal Segment | Gap | Distal Segment | |||
My | Un | My | United nations | My | Un | |
Normal | 8,000 | 15,000 | — | — | — | — |
4 mm | ||||||
eight wk (North = 5) | — | — | nine,000 | 14,000 | 13,500 | x,500 |
36 wk | 14,000 | 27,500 | 13,000 | 15,000 | ||
(North = 6) | — | — | ||||
viii mm | ||||||
8 wk (N = 5) | — | — | iv,600 | x,500 | seven,000 | 7,500 |
36 wk | eight,000 | xiv,500 | 10,000 | 13,000 | ||
(N = 6) | — | — |
Key: My, myelinated axons; Un, unmyelinated axons.
Modified from Jenq C-B, Jenq LL, Bear HM, et al. Workout lesion of peripheral nervus changes regenerated axon numbers. Encephalon Res 1988; 457:63–69.
Wallerian degeneration of the distal stump causes pregnant aggregating of collagenous material in and around the degenerating axon. Past 28 to 35 days after injury, when robust regenerative activity is observed in the proximal axon, endoneurial collagen has accumulated in the distal segment, exerting pressure on the regenerated axons, decreasing their bore and increasing the number of Schwann cells per unit of length of the regenerated axon. The newly regenerated axons also exhibit curt internodal lengths and a vascular supply that is just 60% to 80% of its original cross-sectional area, even afterward remyelination. 65 , 66 This is interpreted to mean that the growth of regenerated axons is significantly influenced by the environment at the distal segment.
In addition to the interaction between the distal and proximal stumps, NGF and NPFs play significant roles in survival, neunte extension, and transmitter production in dorsal root ganglion and sympathetic neurons. NGF and other neurotropic factors are required to regulate cell division, cell death, axonal outgrowth, and synapses during fetal evolution and to facilitate regeneration after nerve injury.
NGF is synthesized in target tissue innervated past sympathetic and sensory neurons and is transported by retrograde ship to the neurons. NGF is a 26-kd polypeptide beginning isolated by Levi-Montalcini in 1987 67 ; it influences neunte navigation, growth cone morphology, regeneration of proximal axons, and axonal elongation. Specific antibodies to NGF accept been produced, and its genome has been located. Its concentration in the claret is very express and it is measured primarily in target cells. 68–70 Binding studies with Iodine 125 have demonstrated the presence of specific and heterogeneous receptor sites in a variety of cells, including cells of neural crest origin, sympathetic and sensory neuronal cells, and the rat PC12 prison cell line. Depression- and high-affinity receptors bind NGF at dissociation constants (Kd) of 8 nM and 0.2 nM, respectively. 71 , 72 The NGF receptor protein appears to be an acidic glycoprotein with an credible molecular weight of 75 Kd existing as a disulfide dimer. The receptor is phosphorylated mainly at the serine sites. NGF-mediated modulation of PC12 prison cell line results in transport of tyrosine hydroxylase and amino acids. 73 The human NGF receptor gene contains most 25 kilobases and at least 3 axons. A better understanding of the biochemistry and physiology of NGF and like growth factors in peripheral nerves may be necessary earlier we understand their roles in promoting growth and regeneration of sensory fretfulness. 73–75
The function of NGF needs further definition with regard to regeneration in responsive cells. Information technology has been understood that the genome encoding the NGF receptor is the same in the sympathetic and sensory cells 76 and that the indicate for gene expression and functional amending originates from internalization of NGF at the cell surface. 77 , 78 Therefore, to empathize its mechanism of action it is necessary to make up one's mind the effects of NGF on membrane transport, membrane ruffling, and protein phosphorylation in regenerating nerves. Tanuichi 79 and Heumann and their coworkers 80 reported the largest amounts of NGF and its receptors to be at the terminal ends of the peripheral nerves. Expression of its response appears to be related to the Schwann cells in the neural sheaths surrounding both NGF-dependent and -independent axons, confirming the belief that the NGF is associated with repair mechanisms.
Similarly, NPFs are substrate-spring glycoproteins that bind to the polycationic substrata in nerve cultures and to the basal lamina of Schwann cells in vivo. Laminin, for instance, a major component of the Schwann basal lamina, binds to collagen 4–blazon proteoglycan to facilitate target navigation. 81–83 Fibronectin, another NPF, promotes elongation of neurites in tissue culture past enhancing adhesion to the substrata or matrix. Other molecules presumed to raise neunte growth are cell adhesion molecules (or Northward-CAM). N-CAMs are likewise membrane glycoproteins present in the developing nerve cells that promote adhesion. 84 , 85
Finally, some matrix factors such as fibrin facilitate axonal regeneration past providing a medium for growth and elongation. During nerve repairs, for example, the proximal and distal ends of a cut nerve are passed through a silicone or semipermeable membrane guide laden with fibrin matrix to facilitate nerve regeneration. Fibrin, a product of fibrinogen and fibronectin, interacts with many NPFs in means that are not clearly understood. 86 , 87
In summary, peripheral nerve regeneration is a complicated procedure regulated by interactions between intrinsic factors and the peripheral target. An absence of inputs from the periphery or a disturbance at the spinal cord level would significantly delay or impede the procedure of regeneration.
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Therapy Management of Peripheral Nerve Injuries and Repairs
Terri M. Skirven OTR/L, CHT , in Rehabilitation of the Mitt and Upper Extremity , 2021
Axonal Regeneration After Nerve Repair
Neurotrophic factors are important for neural regeneration. 83 Unfortunately, afterward PNI, at that place is a loss in retrograde ship of neurotrophic factors back to the jail cell body. 84 This can lead to cell decease and halt regeneration. Research suggests that the application of multiple neurotrophic factors (e.k., brain-derived and glial-derived nerve factors) interim on two unlike populations of cells may increment survival of damaged neurons and raise regeneration. 85 Studies have likewise investigated the employ of homo os marrow stromal cells to enhance peripheral nerve regeneration. 86 Although neurotrophic factors accept been shown to have a positive result on nerve regeneration, these studies have used fauna models, and at that place currently is no clinical application. 87
Straight nerve stimulation has been introduced every bit a method to increase axonal regeneration. Al-Majed and colleagues 14 and Brushart and colleagues 15 used a rat model to decide that intraoperative low-frequency electrical stimulation provided to the nerve ane hr later repair accelerates the axons' ability to cross the repair site and helps directly them to the appropriate sensory or motor fiber. Electric stimulation was likewise found to correlate with an upregulation of neurotrophic factors in the neurons. 14 In the hereafter, it may be feasible and rubber to provide electrical stimulation direct to human nerves intraoperatively to heighten success of nerve repair. 65,88,89
Nerve Repair
Brian Murray , in Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, 2003
Open Injuries
The timing of nerve repair is of import to ensure the best possible outcome. A prime consideration in this regard is the nature of the injury. After a clean transection (due east.grand., from a razor blade), it is relatively piece of cake to locate the wound and behave out a neurological examination. Many surgeons operate within the first 72 hr, surgically exploring the wound and carrying out an terminate-to-end suture repair.
The course of action is less clear-cut with neurotmesis lesions in open up wounds caused by blunt trauma or jagged edges (e.chiliad., from a chainsaw bract). These non only deform the nerve stumps but too impairment soft tissue and blood vessels in the trauma site. Furthermore, axonotmesis lesions may flank an obvious transection for a long distance. Early exploration of the wound enables the surgeon to evaluate the damage and make clean up the debris. However, the decision to proceed to a straight end-to-cease repair is often very difficult: If the nerve stumps are immediately sutured together, there is an increased risk of fibrosis, which may impede subsequent nervus regeneration across the repair site. In calorie-free of this possibility, many surgeons tack the nervus ends to adjacent soft tissue and shut the wound for a few weeks until an early secondary repair can exist performed, at which time it is relatively piece of cake to visually identify fibrosis at the nervus endings. It is common practice to also perform intraoperative NAP recordings to both classify and define the extent of the lesions.
Neurotmesis lesions in open wounds are by no means the but indication for early on surgical exploration. Other reasons include the presence of pain or swelling, acute compression from an expanding blood jell or blood vessel, or progressively worsening clinical signs.
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URL: discipline/article/pii/B0122268709019997
Tissue and Organ Engineering science
A. Jain , ... R.5. Bellamkonda , in Comprehensive Biomaterials, 2011
five.531.2.3 Scaffold Fabrication Strategies
Several fabrication techniques have been adult to fabricate scaffolds for peripheral nerve regeneration from synthetic and natural polymers. In the choice of the biomaterial and the fabrication procedure, it is essential to annotation that several factors might affect the response of neural cells on the scaffolds, which include material composition, stop groups, and concentration, as well as macro-, micro-, and nanoarchitecture, porosity, and mechanical properties. Chemical limerick has shown to bear on the response of sensory neurons in several studies. two,85,93,144,150 Some of critical considerations for materials choice, design, and fabrication of grafts for peripheral nerve include, only are not limited to, biodegradability at the rate of regeneration; optimal mechanical backdrop for ease of implantation, prevention of collapse, ability to suture easily, and allowing for diffusion of nutrients through the wall of the scaffold; and resistance to deterioration in chemical, mechanical, and biological backdrop upon sterilization. ii,46,47,59,90,131,151,152 Upon consideration of the above required backdrop, there are several principles by which scaffolds could be manufactured from biomedical polymers. Some of the procedures that are used include phase separation, solvent casting, electrospinning, extrusion based either from melts or solvents, photo-cross-linking, and gellation systems for hydrogels.
For the phase separation and solvent casting techniques, employ of a suitable solvent–polymer combination is essential. Upon solvent evaporation the polymer normally exhibits a microfiber like architecture with appropriate mechanical properties and pore geometries. 153–157 Also, in order to raise the porosity of the matrix, salt crystals of similar dimensions are usually included in the matrix prior to solvent casting. Upon scaffold fabrication, the scaffolds are leached in water to extract the salt from the scaffolds and get out behind a porous architecture. Furthermore, in order to obtain tubular constructs that mimic native nerves, molds of unlike shapes and materials take been shown to be suitable for tube grooming. 57,59,60,116,118,129,140,147,148,158,159 In order to create oriented architectures that mimic native nerves, combined techniques have been developed to construct grafts. Typically scaffolds with microchannel architectures that allow for guidance of axons beyond the grafts and also enhance food diffusion into the scaffolds have been adult. 2,116,138,160
Recently, cook-processing-based approaches have been used to fabricate nerve guidance channels. The inherent reward of this technique is that it does not need a solvent to fabricate the required shape. Nevertheless, equally the temperatures are higher for fabrication of such systems, incorporation of temperature labile growth factors and cells becomes challenging. Several new polymer systems are currently being developed, where in the fabrication temperatures are in the physiological range, thereby allowing for incorporation of growth factors and cells. 46,134
Anatomically, peripheral nerves are equanimous of an aligned matrix, which plays very critical roles in the contact guidance process, thereby orienting the regrowing or developing axons beyond the gap. Therefore, during the fabrication of grafts for PNS repair, consideration should exist given to fabricate a matrix that mimics native ECM. Several studies take shown a favorable response in the regeneration process for aligned nanofibrous scaffolds equally compared to scaffolds without a specific compages ( Figure 2 ). 2,3,fifty,125,126,137,161–166
Figure ii. Dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) on aligned and random fiber film in vitro. (a–d) Double immunostained DRG on the aligned fiber picture: (a) representative montage of NF160 (a marker for axons) immunostained DRG neurons on the film and (b) montage of S-100 (a marker for Schwann cells) immunostained Schwann cells on the film. (c) Magnified NF160 (red, from box in (a) and S-100 (green, from box in (b) overlapped paradigm. (d) Double immunostained aligned axons (NF160, red) and endogenously deposited laminin protein (laminin, light-green). (east–i) Fabrication of the fiber films and distribution of alignment of the films. (east) Schematic of aligned fiber motion picture fabrication by electrospinning process. Random cobweb picture was deposited on a apartment metallic target instead of on a high-speed rotating metal drum. (f and h) Representative SEM image of the aligned fibers (f, magnified fibers beneath) and the random fibers (h). Scale bar = 1 and thirty μm, respectively. Distribution of cobweb alignment in aligned (g) and random fiber (i). (j and yard) Double immunostained DRG on the random fiber film: (j) representative montage of NF160+ neurons and (k) Due south-100+ Schwann cells. Scale bar = 500 μm. (l) shows the quantitative comparison of orientation of neurite outgrowth on the aligned and random fiber film. Management of arrows indicates the orientation of neurite outgrowth, and length of arrows indicates the charge per unit of occurrence (percentage) (northward = 25 per DRG). (m) shows the quantitative comparison of the extent of neurite outgrowth and Schwann cells migration on the films. The altitude between the longest neurite outgrowth (n = 25 per DRG)/the furthest migrated Schwann cells (n = 10 per DRG) and DRG was measured and averaged. *P < 0.05. Fault bar = SEM.
Reproduced from Kim, Y. T.; Haftel, 5. K.; Kumar, Due south.; Bellamkonda, R. V. Biomaterials 2008, 29, 3117–3127, with permission from Elsevier.One other approach to create scaffolds with microarchitectures mimicking native ECM is via freeze drying. The advantage of this technique is that aqueous too as organic solvents have been used to create scaffolds of required geometry. Also, this technique allows for fabrication of scaffolds from natural biomaterials such as collagen and chitosan. Furthermore, equally this technique allows the use of aqueous solvents, incorporation of growth factors during scaffold fabrication can be achieved ( Figure 3 ). 59,89,94,160,167–169
Effigy 3. Longitudinal sections of the regenerated nerve through (a) PLGA/F127 (3 wt%) and (b) silicone tubes (anti-neurofilament staining, ×4; white arrow, regenerated nerve; blackness pointer, tube wall), and (c) cross-sectional view of PLGA/F127 (3 wt%) tube wall showing the existence of claret vessels infiltrated inside the wall (H&E staining, ×400; gray arrow, blood vessel; asterisk, PLGA/F127).
Reproduced from Oh, S. H.; Kim, J. H.; Vocal, K. South.; et al. Biomaterials 2008, 29, 1601–1609, with permission from Elsevier.Read total chapter
URL: discipline/commodity/pii/B9780080552941001835
Peripheral Nerve Regeneration
Mahesh C. Dodla , ... Ravi V. Bellamkonda , in Principles of Regenerative Medicine (Third Edition), 2019
Electroconductive Scaffolds for Nerve Regeneration
Electric stimulation is some other technique that has been used to promote nerve regeneration. Previous work showed that electrical stimulation of the soleus nervus of rabbits afterwards a crush injury promoted twitch force, tetanic tension, and muscle action potential in soleus muscle, indicating enhanced nerve growth [60]. To elucidate how electric stimulation accelerated nerve growth, various groups evaluated its effects on growth factors expression also equally other cellular responses. Electric stimulation increased the expression of BDNF and tropomyosin receptor kinase B receptors on regenerating motor neurons [61]. Another group observed increased neurotrophin expression after electrical stimulation following nervus repair using a nerve allograft [62]. In improver to an increase in growth gene expression, it was found that stimulating motor neurons at twenty Hz for ane h accelerated the sprouting of axons after nervus injury [61,63]. These results have motivated inquiry groups to develop electroconductive scaffolds that create an electric environment inside big nervus gaps [64].
Electroconductive scaffolds tin improve peripheral nerve injuries significantly. Polypyrrole (PPY) is an electroconductive polymer that has shown bully potential as a nervus scaffold attributable to its prison cell compatibility [65]. Various research groups have shown that scaffolds containing PPY increment the pct of neurite-bearing cells and median neurite length [65,66]. Scaffolds made of PPY and poly(d,fifty-lactic acid) were able to repair a rat sciatic nerve injury in a way similar to autologous graft [65]. Another study found that conductive PPY–chitosan improved non only axonal regeneration merely also remyelination. The researchers also found an comeback in the animals' motor and sensory functions [64]. The mechanism by which electric stimulation enhances peripheral nerve regeneration still needs to be fully elucidated. However, time to come strategies could combine electric stimulation with other scaffold components discussed throughout this affiliate to accelerate successful nerve repair later on a peripheral nervus injury.
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Peripheral Nerve Regeneration
Mahesh C. Dodla , ... Ravi V. Bellamkonda , in Principles of Regenerative Medicine (Second Edition), 2011
Natural and synthetic scaffolds for nerve repair
A scaffold can consist of ii components. The commencement is a tubular construction serving as a "guidance channel" and the second consists of scaffold elements that are inside the tubular construction. In general, scaffolds for nervus repair should support axonal proliferation, have low antigenicity, back up vascularization, be porous for oxygen diffusion, and avoid long-term compression. The scaffold can exist made from natural or constructed materials.
Natural Materials as Scaffolds
Isotropic natural materials used as scaffolds include veins, skeletal muscle fibers, and collagen. Although these materials back up nerve regeneration, they exercise non provide any management to the axons. Autologous vein grafts accept been shown to provide a good environment for axonal regeneration in brusk nerve gaps ( Wang et al., 1993; Ferrari et al., 1999). Still, utilize of vein grafts for long nervus gaps has been less successful, considering of collapse of veins due to their thin walls, and constriction due to the surrounding scar tissue (Chiu and Strauch, 1990). In order to prevent vein grafts from collapsing and improve their performance, intraluminal space fillers such every bit autologous Schwann cells (SCs), collagen, and muscle fibers take been used. Collagen-filled vein grafts were found to promote amend axonal growth than empty vein grafts for a 15-mm nerve gap in rabbits (Choi et al., 2005a). Similarly, SC-seeded venous grafts supported axonal growth and performed better than unseeded grafts to repair twoscore-mm nerve gaps (Zhang et al., 2002) and 60-mm nerve gaps in rabbits (Strauch et al., 2001). The primary drawback of this approach is that information technology requires the availability of the relevant amount of live autologous SCs (up to eight million cells/ml) that are difficult to obtain. Muscle–vein combined grafts, in which the muscle fibers are inserted in veins, were used in 10-mm-long nerve defects in rats, and found to promote axonal regeneration comparable to that of syngenic nerve grafts (Geuna et al., 2004). Although the muscle–vein grafts were able to promote nerve regeneration in 55-mm-long nerve defects in rabbits, they were not comparable to nerve autografts (Geuna et al., 2004). Autologous muscle–vein combined grafts take been used clinically in humans to span nervus gaps ranging from 5 to 60 mm. The results were scored as "poor," "satisfactory," "good" and "very expert," based on recovery of sensory and motor functions. Of the 21 lesions repaired (in 20 patients), 10 were lesions of the sensory nerves and 11 were mixed nervus lesions. All lesions in the sensory nerves, except ane greater than thirty mm, showed "good" to "very good" recovery. All lesions in the mixed nerves showed "satisfactory" to "adept" recovery of motor and sensory functions (Battiston et al., 2000).
Although autogenous/natural materials have shown encouraging results when used for nervus repair, they yet accept sure drawbacks. In the instance of autogenous grafts, the drawbacks include the demand for a second surgery, the loss of function at the donor site, and neuropathic pain at the donor site. Allografts have problems related to preservation and immunorejection. In order to avoid these problems, grafts fabricated of bogus/synthetic materials have been used.
Synthetic Scaffolds for Nerve Repair
Dissimilar natural scaffolds, synthetic scaffolds are advantageous considering they can be tailored in terms of their mechanical, chemical, and structural properties to augment nerve regeneration. Among the artificial materials, synthetic tubular NGCs have shown the nigh promising results and then far ( Fig. 56.two). Some of the commonly used synthetic scaffolds are given in Tabular array 56.1. The use of NGCs reduces tension at the suture line, protects the regenerating axons from the infiltrating scar tissue, and directs the sprouting axons toward their distal targets. The luminal space of NGCs can be filled with growth-promoting matrix, growth factors, and/or appropriate cells. In some cases of nervus repair, NGCs accept been used to intentionally get out a minor gap between the injured nerve ends, to allow aggregating of cytokines, growth factors, and cells (Dahlin and Lundborg, 2001). The NGCs tin be used as an splendid experimental tool, to precisely control the altitude betwixt the nerve stumps, test the fluid and tissue entering the channel, and vary the properties of the channel. Although NGCs forestall regenerating nerve fibers from wandering, they practice not direct axonal growth microscopically. Hence, for the purposes of this chapter, NGCs have been considered as isotropic scaffolds.
FIGURE 56.ii. A schematic of a constructed nerve guidance channel (NGC).
The NGC, sutured to the nerve ends, is filled with hydrogel, filaments, cells, neurotrophic factors, and ECM proteins. For an isotropic graft, there would exist no filaments and the other components would exist distributed uniformly. For an anisotropic graft, there may be filaments, and the other components would exist aligned longitudinally or in increasing concentration from proximal to distal nerve end.
Table 56.1. Nomenclature of nerve grafts: examples and references
| |
A: Scaffolds: | |
Natural materials | Veins (Wang et al., 1993; Ferrari et al., 1999), muscle fibers (Geuna et al., 2004) |
Constructed materials: | |
NGCs | PLA (Cai et al., 2005), PLLA, PGA, PAN/PVC (Uzman and Villegas, 1983) |
Gels | Agarose (Yu and Bellakonda, 2003), alginate (Suzuki et al., 1999) |
B: Neurotrophic factors | NGF (Levi-Montalcini, 1987; Thoenen et al., 1987), BDNF (Sendtner et al., 1992), IGF (Glazner et al., 1993), FGF (Gospodarowicz et al., 1987) |
C: ECM proteins | Laminin (Yu and Bellamkonda, 2003), fibronectin (Chen et al., 2000), collagen (Choi et al., 2005b) |
D: Support cells | SCs (Guenard et al., 1992), fibroblasts (Nakahara et al., 1996), stalk cells (Ansselin et al., 1997; Choi et al., 2005a) |
| |
A: Scaffolds: | |
Aligned filaments | Collagen (Suzuki et al., 1999; Yoshi et al., 2003), PLLA (Ngo et al., 2003) |
Magnetically aligned gels | Fibrin (Dahlin and Lundborg, 2001), collagen (Ceballos et al., 1999; Dubey et al., 2001) |
B: Neurotrophic factors | NGF (Cao and Shoichet, 2003; Kapur and Schoichet, 2004), BDNF (Cao and Schoichet, 2003), CNTF, FGF |
C: ECM proteins | Laminin (Saneinejad and Schoichet, 1998; Kam et al., 2001), fibronectin, collagen |
D: Support cells | SCs (Hadlock et al., 2000; Rutkowski et al., 2004), fibroblasts, stem cells |
| (Gospodarowicz et al., 1987; Nichols et al., 2004) |
| (Evans et al., 1999; Midha et al., 2001) |
Nerve regeneration in silicone NGCs has been studied in particular (Williams et al., 1983). Inside a few hours of nervus repair using an NGC, the tube fills with serum exuded by the cut blood vessels in the nerve ends. This fluid contains neurotrophic factors, every bit well as several cytokines and inflammatory cells such equally macrophages. The macrophages aid remove the myelin and axonal debris formed due to injury. The fluid too contains the clot-forming protein, fibrin. Within days, the fibrin coalesces and forms a longitudinally oriented fibrin cablevision bridging the two nerve ends. Without the formation of the fibrin cable, axonal regeneration cannot occur, thus making the fibrin cable formation a very critical step. The fibrin cablevision is and so invaded by cells migrating from the proximal and distal nerve stumps, including fibroblasts, macrophages, SCs, and endothelial cells (which form capillaries and larger vessels). Axons from the proximal terminate grow into the fibrin matrix and are engulfed in the cytoplasm of SCs. Some of these axons then achieve the distal nerve end and get myelinated. In inert silicone tubes of x mm or shorter, these processes occur spontaneously. However, it is more often than not accepted that impermeable, inert NGCs such as silicone practice not back up regeneration beyond defects larger than ten mm, without the presence of exogenous growth factors. The regeneration process tin be improved by various approaches like changing properties of the tube (permeability, porosity, texture, and electric charge characteristics), improver of matrices, neurotrophic factors, ECM molecules, and cells (Valentini and Aebischer, 1997). These strategies augment nerve regeneration by affecting the sequence of events that lead to the bridging of the nervus gap.
Based on the porosity and/or degradability of the textile used, NGCs tin can be classified as impermeable, semi-permeable, and resorbable (Table 56.2). Silicone tube is an example of an impermeable NGC since it does non permit movement of molecules across the tube walls. Porosity affects the movement of soluble factors, oxygen, and waste matter products, into and out of the NGCs, which is vital for nerve regeneration. Examples of semi-permeable tubes are polysulphone (PS) and polyacrylonitrile/polyvinylchloride (PAN/PVC). Nerves regenerated in semi-permeable tubes featured more than myelinated axons and less connective tissue (Uzman and Villegas, 1983; Aebischer et al., 1989a). PAN/PVC channels with a molecular weight cutoff of 50 kilodaltons support regeneration even in the absence of a distal nerve stump (Aebischer et al., 1989a). Examples of bioresorbable tubes are polylactic acid (PLA), polyglycolic acid (PGA), poly(fifty-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), poly(lactide-co-caprolactone) (PLC), and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB). The employ of bioresorbable tubes negates the need for a second surgery to remove the implant and prevents long-term compression of the nerve. However, it is disquisitional that the degradation of the tube does not allow fibroblasts to invade the lumen infinite before regeneration occurs equally this may prevent axons from regenerating.
Tabular array 56.2. Classification of nerve guidance conduits/channels (NGCs) based on porosity and degradability
Porosity | Degradability | Example and reference |
Impermeable | Non-degradable | Silicone (Lundborg et al., 1982) |
Semipermeable | Non-degradable | PS (Yu and Bellamkonda, 2003), PAN/PVC (Uzman and Villegas, 1983; Aebischer et al., 1989a) |
Resorbable | Degradable | PLA (Cai et al., 2005), PGA |
Inclusion of Hydrogels as Scaffolds
NGCs can be filled with gels to back up axonal elongation. Here we briefly draw some of the isotropic gels used for nerve regeneration.
Agarose gels
Agarose is a polysaccharide derived from crimson agar and is widely used in gel electrophoresis and gel chromatography. SeaPrep® agarose hydrogel has been shown to support neurite extension from a diversity of neurons in a not-immunogenic manner (Bellamkonda et al., 1995; Labrador, 1995; Dillon et al., 2000). Agarose gels likewise allow molecules to be covalently linked to the gels through functional groups on their polysaccharide chains. For instance, laminin protein or fragments of laminin tin can be covalently coupled to SeaPrep agarose gels to enhance their ability to support neurite extension (Yu et al., 1999). Although agarose gels support neurite growth on their ain, coupling of molecules, such as laminin, significantly enhances the gels' ability to promote neurite extension.
Collagen gels
Collagen gels and filaments take been used to promote PNS regeneration (scaffolds with collagen filaments will be discussed later in the anisotropic scaffolds, see pp. 1054–1056). Collagen gel tin can exist used to fill up the intraluminal space of a vein graft to forestall it from collapsing and improve its nerve repair efficiency. In collagen-filled vein grafts, the number and diameter of myelinated axons were significantly increased compared to vein grafts without collagen gel (Choi et al., 2005a). Nervus repair with silicone tubes tin can exist significantly improved by filling them with collagen gel. Collagen tubes filled with collagen gel have promoted more rapid nerve sprouting and amend morphology, than saline-filled collagen tubes (Satou et al., 1986). In some cases, collagen gels have hindered regeneration (Valentini et al., 1987). This negative effect, presumably due to gel remnants blocking diffusion and axonal elongation, might be overcome by reducing the concentration of the collagen gel (Labrador et al., 1998).
Hyaluronic acrid, an ECM component, is associated with decreased scarring and improved fibrin matrix germination. It is hypothesized that during the fibrin matrix stage of regeneration, hyaluronic acrid organizes the extracellular matrix into a hydrated open lattice, thereby facilitating migration of the regenerated axons (Seckel et al., 1995 ). Hyaluronan-based tubular conduits, used for peripheral nerve regeneration, resulted in more myelinated axons and college nerve conduction velocities than silicone tubes filled with saline ( Wang et al., 1998), with little cytotoxicity (Jansen et al., 2004) upon degradation.
Other gels used in vivo to promote nerve regeneration include Matrigel, alginate gels, fibrin gels, and heparin sulfate gels (Madison et al., 1988; Suzuki et al., 1999; Dubey et al., 2001).
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Nervus tissue regeneration
C. Wang , ... S. Liao , in Electrospinning for Tissue Regeneration, 2011
9.1 Introduction
in the Usa, there are over 250 000 people living with spinal cord injury (SCi) and approximately xi 000 new spinal cord injuries are registered each year, in addition to 1.5 million new cases of traumatic brain injury. Children and young adults are disproportionately affected by both types of injury, a grim statistic that is compounded by the lifelong disability that usually results. on the other hand, in 2002 more than 250 000 US patients suffered major traumatic wounds to peripheral nerves, including injuries from collisions, motor vehicle accidents, gun wounds, fractures, dislocations, lacerations or some other class of penetrating trauma. Owing to the difficulty and low efficacy of treating major peripheral nerve injuries, only fifteen% of patients were really treated for their peripheral nerve trouble (Atala, 2008; Yannas et al., 2007).
Nerve tissue regeneration has been intensively investigated. At present, nerve autografts are all the same considered to exist the 'golden standard' clinically in nerve tissue repairs for gaps of twenty mm or longer, and where direct suturing of the ends of two nerves will form tension at the suture line (Yannas et al., 2007). However, a donor nerve, from functionally less important regions, needs to be compensated for such a treatment, not to mention that information technology comes with many other implications similar donor site morbidity, loss of office and/or formation of potentially painful neuromas at the donor site (Panseri et al., 2008; Jiang et al., 2010). In add-on, donor nerves are limited and there may not be enough tissue for a large defect (Johnson and Soucacos, 2007). Thus, allografts are used as alternatives to autografts (Mackinnon and Hudson, 1992). However, the underlying trouble remains unsolved as allografts are plagued by the run a risk of immunorejection and patients volition have to rely on immunosuppression drugs until recovery or for life. Thus, many researchers accept been looking into artificial nerve conduits to cope with the massive need worldwide.
in the following sections, we will give a detailed introduction to current clinical bug in nerve regeneration, discussions on the development of nerve tissue engineering and how nanofibrous scaffolds and stalk cells (e.chiliad. nerve stem cell (NSC), mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) and embryonic stalk cell (ESC) interact with each other.
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